Li Pingrui - Project Portfolio Page
Healtheir is a Command Line application that helps users to record health-related information and set health goals. To be more specific, Healthier helps user to store, view and manage exercise, diet, sleep and body weight records, set, check progress and manage exercise, diet, sleep and body weight goals.
Summary of Contributions
Code Contribution: RepoSense Link
- Enhancements implemented:
- System architecture design: Contribute to design the system architecture, including the ui, entity classes and logic components.
- Add functional utility classes: Design and implement Command abstract class and concrete subclasses. Contribute to coding of CommandParser.
- Design and implement Record classes: Design methods of Record classes and enumeration of foodCategory.
- Part of the related pull request: #43
- Design and implement the file handler classes: Design structure of Storage component.
Contribute to implementing and debugging of the file reader and file writer.
- Part of the related pull request: #57
- Implement the feature of updating goal progress: Implementing the feature of updating the progress of
goals when the application loads goals from files and when new records are added.
- Part of the related pull request: #68
- Fix bugs in codes
- Testing:
- Design and implement test for Command class:
- Part of related pull request: #48
- Design and implement test for Command class:
- Contribution to Documentation:
- Contribution to DG
- Add explanation of implementation detail and plot sequential diagram addRecordSequence.png
- Add system components and plot class diagrams, CommandStructure.png, entityClasses.png, StorageClasses.png.
- Add manual testing instructions.
- Contribution to DG
- Contribution beyond the project team
- Report bugs for project of other teams during PE Dry Run.