Healthier | User Guide


Healthier is a cross-platform desktop application developed using Java SE 11, which is used for health and fitness data management.
It targets people who care about fitness, who exercise regularly (at least 3 times/week) and have diet plans. It is designed for users of age group 18-30.
The app is used via Command Line Interface (CLI). If the user is proficient in using command-line tools & typing, then it could be very efficient to use. This app also provides several shortcut commands for advanced users for further efficient operations.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

This is a cross-platform application, you can run it on any operating system as long as Java 11 is installed.

To verify if you have Java 11 installed, simply type command java --version in your terminal.

  1. Download the tp.jar file from the latest release.
  2. Open a new terminal at the folder where the tp.jar file is located.
  3. Run the application use command java -jar tp.jar
  4. Refer to the Features section below for more info on commands.



Get help from instructions on how to use this app : help

Displays syntax for all commands.

Format: help

Example of Usage:

Input: help

Expected Output:

Thank you for choosing to be healthier with us.
The current version of this application is: V2.0
You can use the app by using command ADD, VIEW, and DELETE.

The syntax for add command is:
1. Add exercise record
   The duration is with unit of minute.
2. Add diet record
	add t/D f/FOOD_TYPE w/WEIGHT [date/DD-MM-YYYY]
   The amount is with unit of gram.
3. Add sleep record
	add t/S d/DURATION [date/DD-MM-YYYY]
   The duration is with unit of hour.
4. Add body weight record
	add t/W w/WEIGHT [date/DD-MM-YYYY]
   The weight is with unit of kilogram.
Please note the type must be in uppercase.

The syntax for view command is:
1. View exercise records
	view t/E [a/ACTIVITY_NAME] [date/DD-MM-YYYY]
2. View diet records
	view t/D [f/FOOD_NAME] [date/DD-MM-YYYY]
3. View sleep records
	view t/S [date/DD-MM-YYYY]
4. View body weight records
	view t/W [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

The syntax for delete command is:
1. Delete exercise records
	delete t/E i/index
2. Delete diet records
	delete t/D i/index
3. Delete sleep records
	delete t/S i/index
4. Delete body weight records
	delete t/W i/index

The syntax for set command is:
1. Set exercise goals
2. Set diet goals
3. Set sleep goals
4. Set body weight goals

The syntax for check command is:
1. check exercise goals
	check t/E [p/INTERVAL_TYPE]
2. check diet goals
	check t/D [p/INTERVAL_TYPE]
3. check sleep goals
	check t/S [p/INTERVAL_TYPE]
4. check body weight goals
	check t/W [p/INTERVAL_TYPE]

The syntax for cancel command is:
1. cancel exercise goals
	cancel t/E i/INDEX
2. cancel diet goals
	cancel t/D i/INDEX
3. cancel sleep goals
	cancel t/S i/INDEX
4. cancel body weight goals
	cancel t/W i/INDEX

The syntax for exit command is:

Exit the app : exit

Stop the execution of this application.

Format: exit

Example of Usage:

Input: exit

Expected Output:

Thank you for using this app. The app is exiting...
Nice work today!
You are one step closer to ultimate fitness!
See you again soon :)

Input Exercise Data: add

Add one exercise record with workout activity, duration and date (optional).

Format: add t/E a/ACTIVITY_NAME d/DURATION [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Note: Only the following workout activity names are acceptable:

Examples of Usage:

Input: add t/E a/running d/40

Expected Output:

A new EXERCISE record is added successfully!
Record summary:
40.0 minute(s) of RUNNING exercise on 12-04-2021

Input: add t/E a/cycling d/60 date/05-01-2020

Expected Output:

A new EXERCISE record is added successfully!
Record summary:
60.0 minute(s) of CYCLING exercise on 05-01-2020

View Exercise Data: view

View existing exercise records. The result can be filtered by specifying the workout activity name and/or date.

Format: view t/E [a/ACTIVITY_NAME] [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Examples of Usage:

Input: view t/E

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible exercise records:
Index        Date          Activity        Duration          Calories
1            05-01-2020    CYCLING         60.0 minute(s)    414.0 Kcal
2            01-04-2021    WALKING         60.0 minute(s)    360.0 Kcal
3            01-04-2021    WALKING         50.0 minute(s)    300.0 Kcal
4            12-04-2021    WALKING         120.0 minute(s)   720.0 Kcal
5            12-04-2021    RUNNING         40.0 minute(s)    264.0 Kcal


Input: view t/E a/cycling

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible exercise records:
Index        Date          Activity        Duration          Calories
1            05-01-2020    CYCLING         60.0 minute(s)    414.0 Kcal


Input: view t/E date/03-04-2021

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible exercise records:
Index        Date          Activity        Duration          Calories
1            01-04-2021    WALKING         60.0 minute(s)    360.0 Kcal
2            01-04-2021    WALKING         50.0 minute(s)    300.0 Kcal


Delete Exercise Data: delete

Delete an existing exercise record.

Format: delete t/E i/INDEX

Examples of Usage:

Input: delete t/E i/1

Expected Output:

You have successfully deleted the EXERCISE record of index 1!
Record summary: 60.0 minute(s) of CYCLING exercise on 05-01-2020
Displaying current EXERCISE records:
1            01-04-2021    WALKING         60.0 minute(s)    360.0 Kcal
2            01-04-2021    WALKING         50.0 minute(s)    300.0 Kcal
3            12-04-2021    WALKING         120.0 minute(s)   720.0 Kcal
4            12-04-2021    RUNNING         40.0 minute(s)    264.0 Kcal


Input Diet Data: add

Add one diet record with food category, food weight and date (optional).

Format: add t/D f/FOOD_CATEGORY w/WEIGHT [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Note: Only the following food categories are acceptable:

Examples of Usage:

Input: add t/D f/grain w/400

Expected Output:

A new DIET record is added successfully!
Record summary:
400.0g grain on 03-04-2021

View Diet Data: view

View existing diet records. The result can be filtered by specifying the food category and/or date.

Format: view t/D [f/FOOD_CATEGORY] [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Examples of Usage:

Input: view t/D

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible diet records:
Index        Date          Food Category       Weight      Calories
1            31-03-2021    FRUIT               500.0 g     20000.0 K cal
2            31-03-2021    PROTEIN             200.0 g     28000.0 K cal
3            01-04-2021    GRAIN               2000.0 g    700000.0 K cal
4            01-04-2021    FRUIT               100.0 g     4000.0 K cal
5            03-04-2021    GRAIN               400.0 g     140000.0 K cal


Input: view t/D f/grain

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible diet records:
Index        Date          Food Category       Weight      Calories
1            01-04-2021    GRAIN               2000.0 g    700000.0 K cal
2            03-04-2021    GRAIN               400.0 g     140000.0 K cal

Input: view t/D date/03-04-2021

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible diet records:
Index        Date          Food Category       Weight      Calories
1            03-04-2021    GRAIN               400.0 g     140000.0 K cal


Delete Diet Data: delete

Delete an existing diet record.

Format: delete t/D i/INDEX

Examples of Usage:

Input: delete t/D i/1

Expected Output:

You have successfully deleted the DIET record of index 1!
Record summary: 500.0g fruit on 31-03-2021
Displaying current DIET records:
1            31-03-2021    PROTEIN             200.0 g     28000.0 K cal
2            01-04-2021    GRAIN               2000.0 g    700000.0 K cal
3            01-04-2021    FRUIT               100.0 g     4000.0 K cal
4            03-04-2021    GRAIN               400.0 g     140000.0 K cal


Input Sleep Data: add

Add one sleep record with duration and date (optional).

Format: add t/S d/DURATION [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Examples of Usage:

Input: add t/S d/8

Expected Output:

A new SLEEP record is added successfully!
Record summary:
8.0 hour(s) of sleep on 03-04-2021

Input: add t/S d/9 date/05-01-2020

Expected Output:

A new SLEEP record is added successfully!
Record summary:
9.0 hour(s) of sleep on 05-01-2020

View Sleep Data: view

View existing sleep records. The result can be filtered by specifying date.

Format: view t/S [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Examples of Usage:

Input: view t/S

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible sleep records:
Index        Date              Duration
1            05-01-2020        9.0 hour(s)
2            31-03-2021        6.0 hour(s)
3            01-04-2021        10.0 hour(s)
4            01-04-2021        5.0 hour(s)
5            03-04-2021        8.0 hour(s)


Input: view t/S date/01-04-2021

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible sleep records:
Index        Date              Duration
1            01-04-2021        10.0 hour(s)
2            01-04-2021        5.0 hour(s)


Delete Sleep Data: delete

Delete an existing sleep record.

Format: delete t/S i/INDEX

Examples of Usage:

Input: delete t/S i/1

Expected Output:

You have successfully deleted the SLEEP record of index 1!
Record summary: 9.0 hour(s) of sleep on 05-01-2020
Displaying current SLEEP records:
1            31-03-2021        6.0 hour(s)
2            01-04-2021        10.0 hour(s)
3            01-04-2021        5.0 hour(s)
4            03-04-2021        8.0 hour(s)


Input Body Weight Data: add

Add one body weight record with current body weight and date (optional).

Format: add t/W w/WEIGHT [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Examples of Usage:

Input: add t/W w/64

Expected Output:

A new BODYWEIGHT record is added successfully!
Record summary:
Body weight 64.0 Kg on 03-04-2021

Input: add t/W w/40 date/05-01-2020

Expected Output:

A new BODYWEIGHT record is added successfully!
Record summary:
Body weight 40.0 Kg on 05-01-2020

View Body Weight Data: view

View existing bodyweight records. The result can be filtered by specifying date.

Format: view t/W [date/DD-MM-YYYY]

Examples of Usage:

Input: view t/W

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible body weight records:
Index        Date              Body Weight
1            05-01-2020        40.0 Kg
2            03-04-2021        64.0 Kg


Input: view t/W date/01-04-2021

Expected Output:

Displaying all eligible body weight records:
Index        Date              Body Weight
1            03-04-2021        64.0 Kg


Delete Body Weight Data: delete

Delete an existing bodyweight record.

Format: delete t/W i/INDEX

Examples of Usage:

Input: delete t/W i/1

Expected Output:

You have successfully deleted the BODY_WEIGHT record of index 1!
Record summary: Body weight 67.0 Kg on 01-04-2021
Displaying current BODY_WEIGHT records:
Sorry, no records found.
You can try adding records by using command 'add'.

Set a daily or weekly goal for exercise: set

Set a daily/weekly exercise goal with a target energy (in calories) to burn.

Format: set t/E p/INTERVAL_TYPE target/ENERGY

Example of usage:

Input: set t/E p/D target/0.5

Expected Output:

A new exercise goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: DAILY exercise
Target: 0.5 Kcal
Progress: 264.0 Kcal

set t/E p/W target/10

Expected Output:

A new exercise goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: WEEKLY exercise
Target: 10.0 Kcal
Progress: 264.0 Kcal

Set a daily or weekly goal for sleep: set

Set a daily/weekly sleep goal with a target duration (in hours).

Format: set t/S p/INTERVAL_TYPE target/DURATION

Examples of Usage:

Input: set t/S p/D target/8.5

Expected Output:

A new sleep goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: DAILY sleep
Target: 8.5 hour(s)
Progress: 0.0 hour(s)

set t/S p/W target/24

Expected Output:

A new sleep goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: WEEKLY sleep
Target: 24.0 hour(s)
Progress: 0.0 hour(s)

Set a daily or weekly goal for diet: set

Set a daily/weekly diet goal with a target energy (in calories) to take in.

Format: set t/D p/INTERVAL_TYPE target/ENERGY

Examples of Usage:

Input: set t/D p/D target/0.2

Expected Output:

A new diet goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: DAILY diet
Target: 0.2 Kcal
Progress: 140000.0 Kcal

Input set t/D p/W target/5

Expected Output:

A new diet goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: WEEKLY diet
Target: 5.0 Kcal
Progress: 140000.0 Kcal

Set a daily or weekly goal for body weight: set

Set a daily/weekly body weight goal with a target weight (in kg).

Format: set t/W p/INTERVAL_TYPE target/WEIGHT

Examples of Usage:

Input: set t/W p/D target/50

Expected Output:

A new bodyweight goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: DAILY bodyweight
Target: 50.0 Kg
Progress: 67.0Kg

set t/W p/W target/50

Expected Output:

A new bodyweight goal is set successfully!
Date Set: 03-04-2021
Goal Type: WEEKLY bodyweight
Target: 50.0 Kg
Progress: 67.0Kg

Check the progress of goals: check

Check the current progress of goals set by the user.

Format: check t/TAG [p/INTERVAL_TYPE]

Examples of Usage:

Input: check t/E

Expected Output:

Checking the progress of eligible exercise goals:
Index        Date Set        Goal Type        Target        Progress
1        01-04-2021        daily           20.0 Kcal       264.0 Kcal(achieved)
2        03-04-2021        daily           0.5 Kcal        264.0 Kcal(achieved)
3        03-04-2021        weekly          10.0 Kcal       264.0 Kcal(achieved)


check t/E p/W

Expected Output:

Checking the progress of eligible exercise goals:
Index        Date Set        Goal Type        Target        Progress
1        03-04-2021        weekly          10.0 Kcal       264.0 Kcal(achieved)


Cancel a goal: cancel

Cancel a goal set by the user.

Format: cancel t/TAG i/INDEX

Examples of Usage:

Input: cancel t/E i/1

Expected Output:

You have successfully canceled a goal for exercise!
Goal canceled:
Date Set: 01-04-2021
Goal Type: DAILY exercise
Target: 20.0 Kcal
Progress: 264.0 Kcal
Displaying current exercise goals available:
Index        Date Set        Goal Type        Target        Progress
1        03-04-2021        daily           0.5 Kcal        264.0 Kcal(achieved)
2        03-04-2021        weekly          10.0 Kcal       264.0 Kcal(achieved)



Q: {What is the format of date?}

A: {The date format should be DD-MM-YYYY}

Command summary

Action Format Examples
Help help help
Exit exit exit
Input Exercise Data: add add t/E a/ACTIVITY_NAME d/DURATION [date/DD-MM-YYYY] add t/E a/running d/40
View Exercise Data: view view t/E [a/ACTIVITY_NAME] [date/DD-MM-YYYY] view t/E a/cycling
Delete Exercise Data: delete delete t/E i/INDEX delete t/E i/1
Input Diet Data: add add t/D f/FOOD_CATEGORY w/WEIGHT [date/DD-MM-YYYY] add t/D f/grain w/400
View Diet Data: view view t/D [a/FOOD_CATEGORY] [date/DD-MM-YYYY] view t/D f/grain
Delete Diet Data: delete delete t/D i/INDEX delete t/D i/1
Input Sleep Data: add add t/S d/DURATION [date/DD-MM-YYYY] add t/S d/7
View Sleep Data: view view t/S [date/DD-MM-YYYY] view t/S
Delete Sleep Data: delete delete t/S i/INDEX delete t/S i/1
Input bodyweight Data: add add t/W w/WEIGHT [date/DD-MM-YYYY] add t/W w/68.5 date/10-01-2021
View bodyweight Data: view view t/W [date/DD-MM-YYYY] view t/W date/05-01-2020
Delete bodyweight Data: delete delete t/W i/INDEX delete t/W i/1
Set a Goal set set t/TAG p/[INTERVAL_TYPE] target/GOAL_TARGET set t/S p/D target/8
Check Existing Goals: check check t/TAG p/[INTERVAL_TYPE] check t/E p/D
Cancel a Goal: cancel cancel t/TAG i/INDEX cancel t/E i/1